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Below you’ll find answers to some of the more common questions I’ve received. Read on to learn more about my services and what I’ve done to help my clients in pursuit of their goals. If you feel like you didn’t find the answer you were looking for, feel free to contact me for more information. I’m always happy to hear from people who are interested in coaching.

How does life coaching differ from consulting? Therapy? Sports coaching? A best friend?

Consulting. Coaching can be considered a form of consulting. However, consulting is often information and expertise based. For example, you might hire a consultant to help your business with a specific problem. In which case, you’d expect your consultant to have knowledge and experience in that particular area. Life coaches on the other hand may or may not have a background or experience in your field. A coach is a life specialist, an expert on helping you develop all areas of your business and/or personal life. Unlike many consultants who propose a solution and leave you to implement it, your life coach stays with you to help you integrate the changes, new skills, and goals to make sure they really happen.This is one of the many reasons why life coaching is so effective–it is one thing to have the information and quite another to actually make the change!

How long must I commit to working with a coach?

One month. Although on average, most people find coaching more beneficial than they realized and stay on longer than they initially anticipated—typically 9 months to a year. Many coaches ask for a three to six month commitment but usually let you stop immediately if coaching is not working for you right now. Some coaches might ask you to sign a contract or an agreement. This is fine, however, all our Accredited Life Coaches have agreed that you can coach on a month-by-month basis for as long as it is working for you. This does not apply to corporate coaching contracts or executive coaching which may be for a specific term or project and are often negotiated on a case by case basis.

Why would people who are already successful hire a life coach?

People have managed just fine in the past without a life coach. So in one sense nobody really needs a life coach, but many people want one! One of the reasons there is a growing demand for life coaching is the complexity of modern day life. Things aren’t as simple as they were in the past. And, whereas your parents might have been happy to have a job that paid the bills, most people today want a job that is personally fulfilling and financially rewarding. They want to find work that is in line with their core values and is an expression of who they are. Never before in history has mankind had such an incredible opportunity for self-expression through one’s work. If you aren’t doing what you love to do, even if you are successful, you would benefit from some coaching. I certainly did! Are you doing what you most enjoy? Are you tolerating or putting up with anything? Is life easy or are you struggling? Are you on the path to financial independence? Do you have what you really want? Most people can expect a lot more out of their lives.

I thought I’d start writing when I retired at sixty-five. Thanks to my first coach, I wrote my first book, Coach Yourself to Success at thirty. Coaching really speeds things up so hold on to your hat when you hire a personal coach, a business coach, an executive coach or a life coach.

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